137 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Gamification Research

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    Gamification has rapidly emerged as one of the favorite persuasive technologies widely used with the aim of promoting a positive change in the user's behavior by means of including game-like elements in non-game contexts. As a research discipline, gamification is growing fast, maturing from basic and fundamental questions such as what and why gamify to more mature ones such as how to gamify, when and when not, and still facing empirical and theoretical challenges to prove the effects of its practice and consolidate the principles that guide meaningful gamification designs. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a bibliometric study to describe how gamification as a scientific discipline is structured and how it has evolved over time. To do this, we make use of bibliometric performance analysis and science mapping methods to display and analyze the intellectual, conceptual and social network structures of gamification research, as well as the evolution and dynamical aspects of the discipline. The results reveal the research fronts and intellectual structures of the field, the internal relationships among articles, authors and keywords, the existing networks of collaboration, the emerging trends, the hot topics, and the most influential authors, publications and sources. Together, they picture the intellectual landscape of gamification as a scientific field that will be useful for junior and senior researchers, practitioners, funding agencies and policymakers

    GoRace: A Multi-Context and Narrative-Based Gamification Suite to Overcome Gamification Technological Challenges

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    Gamification is a potential approach to foster motivation and engagement in different contexts which popularity in recent years has encouraged its application in a diversity of domains, including health, education, business, society, or tourism. However, although all their promising benefits and rapidly developing, the gamification community should face a variety of theoretical, empirical, and technological challenges. Focusing on technological challenges, we can observe a need that claims for suitable gamification software tools that offer system-independence and flexibility, support the gamification design, implementation, and monitoring activities, and experiment with more game elements than only points, badges, and leaderboards. For that reason, this paper deals with the identified technological challenges by introducing a gamification software tool to cover the main lacks found. An analysis of the advances in gamification domain and their recent literature was conducted to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the most popular gamification software tools in order to design and develop a flexible system-independent gamification software solution that goes beyond the implementation of the classic game elements. As a result, we created GoRace, a multi-context and narrative-based gamification suite that supports the entire gamification process, provides flexible and system-independent gamification solutions, and allows the creation of tailored and reusable gamification solutions that go beyond the classic game elements to immerse participants in a fun, engaging, and challenging narrative-based gamification experience

    Desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información (SGSI) para la empresa Comware S.A. en la ciudad de Quito, aplicando la norma Iso / Iec 27001

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    El presente proyecto de titulación tiene como objetivo el diseño de un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información para la empresa Comware S.A en la ciudad de Quito basado en la Norma ISO 2700:20051, con el fin de lograr un esquema que sirva como guía para la posterior implementación y certificación en la Norma ISO 27001:2005 en la empresa. Además se podrán evidenciar claramente amenazas y riesgos que se encuentran presentes y pueden llegar a afectar el correcto funcionamiento de los sistemas informáticos. De esta forma, los riesgos de seguridad en la red son identificados y minimizados en base a los procedimientos para el tratamiento de los mismos. También se realizó un análisis por medio de varios software que permitieron ver algunas falencias dentro de los sistemas que se manejan en la empresa y de esta forma realizar un análisis de las amenazas que se encuentran latentes en los sistemas informáticos. Por último se da una breve explicación de cuáles son los pasos a seguir para que la empresa pueda certificarse en la Norma ISO 27001:2005

    Incremento de prestaciones en el acceso en Grid de datos

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    Ponencias de las Decimosextas Jornadas de Paralelismo celebradas del 13 al 16 de septiembre de 2005 en GranadaEl modelo de computación Grid ha evolucionado en los últimos años para proporcionar un entorno de computación de altas prestaciones en redes de área amplia. Sin embargo, uno de los mayores problemas se encuentra en las aplicaciones que hacen uso intensivo y masivo de datos. Como solución a los problemas de estas aplicaciones se ha utilizado la replicación. Sin embargo, la replicación clásica adolece de ciertos problemas como la adaptabilidad y la alta latencia del nuevo entorno. Por ello se propone un nuevo algoritmo de replicación y organización de datos que proporciona un acceso de altas prestaciones en un Data Grid.Publicad

    Two case reports of spontaneous transverse colon volvulus

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    Los vólvulos del colon transverso son una presentación poco frecuente del vólvulo del colon debido a la fijación anatómica que impide su torsión. En la literatura mundial se han presentado menos de 100 casos documentados. A continuación se presentan 2 casos de vólvulo del colon transverso que se sospechan mediante cuadro clínico e imagenológico, son llevados a colonoscopia para devolvulación y se confirman en el intraoperatorio.Transverse colon volvulus is rare due to the anatomic location which impedes twisting. In the literature of the world, there have been fewer than 100 documented cases. This article presents two cases of transverse colon volvulus. They were suspected because of clinical evidence, images were obtained, colonoscopic reduction was performed and the disorders were confirmed intraoperatively

    Can gamification help in software testing education? Findings from an empirical study

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    Software testing is an essential knowledge area required by industry for software engineers. However, software engineering students often consider testing less appealing than designing or coding. Consequently, it is difficult to engage students to create effective tests. To encourage students, we explored the use of gamification and investigated whether this technique can help to improve the engagement and performance of software testing students. We conducted a controlled experiment to compare the engagement and performance of two groups of students that took an undergraduate software testing course in different academic years. The experimental group is formed by 135 students from the gamified course whereas the control group is formed by 100 students from the non-gamified course. The data collected were statistically analyzed to answer the research questions of this study. The results show that the students that participated in the gamification experience were more engaged and achieved a better performance. As an additional finding, the analysis of the results reveals that a key aspect to succeed is the gamification experience design. It is important to distribute the motivating stimulus provided by the gamification throughout the whole experience to engage students until the end. Given these results, we plan to readjust the gamification experience design to increase student engagement in the last stage of the experience, as well as to conduct a longitudinal study to evaluate the effects of gamification

    Evolución del color de la capa de óxido formada en las aleaciones Au-25Fe y Au-24.5Fe-0.5Co

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    RESUMEN: Se aplica la teoría del color propuesta por Heavens (1991) para el cálculo de los espesores de las películas delgadas de magnetita, Fe3 O4 , los cuales fueron obtenidos por tratamiento térmico a 250°C de una aleación de oro (Au-24.5Fe-0.5Co). Los espectros de reflectancia obtenidos de las muestras pulidas con diferentes grados de oxidación (y de color) fueron usados para calcular los índices de refracción (real) y de extinción (imaginario) del sustrato metálico (n2 , k2 ) y de la capa de magnetita (n1 =2,42, k1 ). La forma a+bλ+cλ2 se tomó del ajuste de parámetros entre las curvas experimentales y teóricas. El ajuste de los datos resultan en desviaciones entre 2 y 10%, para los espesores en el rango de 0 nm (solo metal original) y 65 nm (color azul oscuro). Por medio de un modelo matemático siguiendo la teoría de Heavens, el espesor de cada capa ha sido predicho con alta precisión, utilizando las mediciones de reflectancia espectral. En consecuencia, proponemos que mediante el uso de esta metodología se pueden obtener fácilmente los valores de los coeficientes de extinción de las especies de óxido y, además, se pueden predecir los espesores de la capa de óxido. Los valores de espesores de la magnetita encontrados en la presente investigación están dentro del intervalo reportado en la literatura para la interferencia de primer orden en los aceros, desde el amarillo claro (~46 nm) hasta el azul (~72 nm).ABSTRACT: The colour theory proposed by Heavens in 1991 has been applied to calculate the thickness of magnetite thin layers, Fe3 O4 , which were obtained by heat treatment at 250 °C in a gold alloy (Au-24.5Fe-0.5Co). The reflectance spectra obtained from the polished samples with different oxidation (and colour) degrees were used to calculate the real part of the refraction index and the (imaginary) extinction coefficients of both the metallic substrate (n2 , k2 ) and the magnetite layer (n1 =2.42, k1 ). The a+bλ+cλ2 form was taken adjusting parameters between experimental and theoretical curves. The fitting of the data resulted in deviations between 2 and 10% for thicknesses in the range of 0 nm (only substrate) and 65 nm (dark blue colour). By means of a mathematic model and following the Heavens’ theory, the thickness of each layer has been predicted with high precision, using the spectral reflectance. Consequently, we propose that by using this methodology, the values of the extinction coefficients of the oxide species can be easily obtained, and the thicknesses of the oxide layers can be predicted. The magnetite thickness values found in this study fall into the interval reported in the literature for first-order interference in steels, from light-yellow (~46 nm) to blue (~72 nm)

    Urocortin induces positive inotropic effect in rat heart

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    9 páginas, 6 figuras.Aims The aim of this study is to evaluate the positive inotropic effect of urocortin (Ucn) and to characterize its signalling pathways. Methods and results Contractility was measured in ex vivo Langendorff-perfused hearts isolated from Wistar rats. Isolated ventricular cardiomyocytes were used to analyse intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) transients evoked by electrical stimulation and L-type Ca2+ current by confocal microscopy and whole-cell patch-clamping, respectively. The application of Ucn to perfused hearts induced progressive, sustained, and potent inotropic and lusitropic effects that were dose-dependent with an EC50 of approximately 8 nM. Ucn effects were independent of protein kinase A (PKA) activation but were significantly reduced by protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitors and by brefeldin A, an antagonist of guanine nucleotide exchange factor, suggested to be an inhibitor of exchange protein activated by cAMP (Epac). These whole-organ effects were correlated with the inotropic effects observed in isolated cells: Ucn increased ICaL density, [Ca2+]i transients, cell shortening and Ca2+ content of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Conclusion Our results show that Ucn evokes potent positive inotropic and lusitropic effects mediated, at least in part, by an increase in ICaL and [Ca2+]i transient amplitude. These effects may involve the activation of Epac, PKC, and MAPK signalling pathways.This study was supported by ‘Red Cardiovascular RECAVA’ of Instituto Carlos III (grant number: RD06-0014-0020, RD06-0014-0007, PI06-0133), Consejerías de Salud, de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía (grant numbers: 174/2006, P06-CTS-01711), Inserm, and by Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (grant: Physio2006Epac). T.S is a ‘Ramon y Cajal’ Researcher and E.C is a fellow student from RECAVA.Peer reviewe

    Big data in the Mexico City brand in the context of audience fragmentation

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    El artículo analiza comportamiento coyuntural en el ámbito mundial, ante el esfuerzo mediático del destino turístico por los mercados dispersos. El Internet ha influenciado la comunicación e impulsando las nuevas tecnologías, las cuales han avanzado vertiginosamente en los primeros tres lustros del siglo XXI, esto ha impactado a las diversas actividades económicas, entre las que destaca el turismo. En consecuencia, el consumidor, ha dejado de tener un papel receptivo, para ser un decisor del material mediático que consume, además de contar con la oportunidad de ser también un proveedor de información. La Ciudad de México (CDMX), como segmento de turismo, no es la excepción, la misma depende de la comunicación de actores públicos y privados, los cuales, aunque poseen determinadas metodologías y herramientas para acceder a sus públicos, se encuentran con una audiencia que decide sobre lo que recibe y opina en la web, con ello, el objetivo de la investigación es referente a la valoración de los conceptos asociados, páginas y organismos relacionados con el turismo de la CDMX en la web entre la audiencia nacional e internacional, originado tanto por los esfuerzos de gobierno y empresarios, como de la audiencia que también ya es una proveedora de información. Asimismo, a través de la investigación se busca conocer a los países con el mayor interés en el turismo de la Ciudad de México, ya que ello puede resultar de gran importancia para direccionar las estrategias mercadológicas. La metodología empleada para la exploración del fenómeno es de tipo documental y cuantitativa, ya que en una primera etapa incluye el análisis documental y posteriormente hace la exploración matemática a través del empleo del análisis de redes (ARS) para valorar el papel del Big data y Smart Data en la marca CDMX ante la fragmentación de audiencias.The article analyzes economic behavior throughout the world in response to the media effort of tourist destinations in dispersed markets. The Internet has influenced communication and boosted new technologies, which have advanced dramatically in the first three decades of the twenty-first century. This has had an impact on the various economic activities, among which tourism is particularly salient. Consequently, consumers no longer have a receptive role. They have become decision makers with respect to the media material that they consume in addition to having the opportunity of being information providers. Mexico City (CDMX), as a tourism segment, is no exception. It depends on the communication of public and private actors, who, while having certain methodologies and tools to access their audiences, interact with an audience that decides on what it receives and gives its opinion on the web. Therefore, the objective of the research is to assess the associated concepts, pages and organizations related to tourism in CDMX on the website aimed at both a domestic and international audience, designed by the government and private sector together with the input of the audience as an information provider. Likewise, the study seeks to determine the countries with the greatest interest in Mexico City as a tourist destination, since this can be highly important for directing the marketing strategies. The methodology used to explore the phenomenon takes a documentary and quantitative form, since in a first stage it includes the documentary analysis and subsequently makes the mathematical exploration through the use of network analysis (ARS) to assess the role of Big data and Smart Data in the CDMX brand before the fragmentation of audiences

    Diseñar y evaluar un modelo de negocio que permita la implementación de una cadena de droguerías en Colombia.

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    El mundo farmacéutico ha estado en constante evolución a través del tiempo, estando siempre relacionado de forma directa con la salud y la enfermedad, por ello siempre ha existido la necesidad de ofrecer al público productos y servicios cuyas características permitan mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas. El presente trabajo de grado propone el diseño de un modelo de negocio para la introducción al mercado de una cadena de droguerías a través de la metodología del Business Model Generation y someterlo a una evaluación que permita determinar su viabilidad.Especialista en Gerencia en Servicios de SaludEspecializació